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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Reminder: School closed Monday 6th (Bank Holiday)
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Mandatory Stay at Home Order

28th Mar 2020

Our Government has taken the next step in protecting all of us by putting a Mandatory, "Stay at Home," order in place. This is to keep everyone safe. In our school we are all used to our doors being locked down to keep children and staff safe. You, as parents, have respected our rules and have worked to keep our school community safe. The Government is now asking you to do the same - except this time you are being asked to stay inside your own house. This is a challenge for us all but we will do it because we want our lives to return to normal. By staying indoors we are working to keep our family safe from getting the CoronaVirus. We are also supporting all the people who are working to keep our country working - nurses, doctors, porters, care workers, postmen,  cooks, guards, shop keepers, drivers. There are many more essential workers who are working to keep us safe and keep essential items in our cupboards. Treat them with respect! Stay in your house! Only essential trips should take place.