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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Reminder: School closed Monday 6th (Bank Holiday) | Coaching with Chloe (Thursday - all classes)
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Internet Safety Talk

17th Feb 2020

Ger Brick will visit our school on Thursday 27th February to deliver an Internet Safety/Cyber Bulling workshop to the senior pupils in our school. Ger worked as an IT manager with Microsoft and has over 20 + years experience on the internet and has facilitated workshops for over 60000 primary school children throughout Ireland. 

Online safety is important for all of us so it is good to keep children informed, from an early age, on how to stay safe online. 

Ger is also holding an Parent Information Talk on Thursday 27th at 7pm. His talk will provide parents with practical non technical information and guidance for keeping thei children and families safe online. We hope as many parents as possible can join us on the night.