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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
World Mental Health Day is October 10th. children are invited to wear something yellow to school on Thursday | FAI Futsal with Raff takes place on Tuesday for 5th and 6th | Cycling Safety Programme for 5th Class starts on Tuesday 8th October | TESCO Fruit and Vegetable bags went home with 2nd class today.
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Erasmus+ Estonian Virtual RoboticsTraining

29th May 2021

Out Partner school in Tallinn, Estonia hosted a virtual training session over three days last week for teachers in all six schools in our Erasmus+ Project, Full STEAM Ahead!

The training was all about the use of Robotics in early years education. Having seen the presentations and training, we feel that Robotics can be integrated into many subjects and can be used at all levels in primary education.

Enjoy the following videos and presentations which show an introduction to Estonia and then to Tallinn and then finally to our partner's school itself. The school is called Linnupesa - this means Birdnest.

Quick introduction to Estonia - listen carefully!


Tallinn Love Story


Kalamaja - a newly regenerated hipster area of the city


About the Estonian Education System

Education System

Animation about a day in the life of a Kindergarten child

Kindergarten Animation

Welcome video for new parents to the school

Linnupesa school

Check out the outdoor area of Linnupesa!

Outdoor tour of school