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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
World Mental Health Day is October 10th. children are invited to wear something yellow to school on Thursday | FAI Futsal with Raff takes place on Tuesday for 5th and 6th | Cycling Safety Programme for 5th Class starts on Tuesday 8th October | TESCO Fruit and Vegetable bags went home with 2nd class today.
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Eglute from Lithuania fits right in here!

4th Mar 2020

Erasmus+  Full Steam Ahead

Eglúte is visiting us from our Erasmus+ partner school in Kursenia, Lithuania. She has been delighted to spend quality time with the children in the junior classes.  Here she is taking part in all four elements of Literacy Lift Off in First Class. She will go to Latvia next week with Ms Brennan and Ms McAndrew and move on to another partner school for the next few months.

Ms Brennan and Ms McAndrew will do a course there on the use of Light Tables in Early Years Education.  We will purchase our own Light Table later this month.  

When Ms Brennan and Ms McDonagh went to our partner school in Kristiansand in Norway in January, they were trained in the use of portable data projectors.  We got delivery of an Acer C202i projector today and we can't wait to start using it. We will receive delivery of another projector next week - Acer C200.  These projectors are small  and light and completely portable for indoor or outdoor use. There will be no leads required to connect to a laptop, ipad or even phone.