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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Reminder: School closed Monday 6th (Bank Holiday)
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Covid 19 and Schools

4th Nov 2021

This is a link to the HSE website. It tells you what to do if your child is a household close contact


Your child needs to do 3 antigen tests over 7 days.

They should do the:

  • first test as soon as possible
  • second test 3 days after their first test
  • third test on the 7th day of their restricted movements period

Restricting Movement:How long your child isolates depends on their test results.


If any of your child's antigen tests are positive

If any of your child's antigen tests are positive, they need to be isolated from other people (stay at home) for at least 7 days. This is from the day they test positive.

You should also report their positive antigen test.

If your child starts to develop symptoms

If your child starts to develop symptoms, they need to:

How long they will need to isolate for will depend on their test results.

They can stop restricting their movements if they do not have symptoms and get a negative antigen test result 7 days after their last contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19.


Children aged 9 or older should wear a well-fitted face mask for 10 days. This includes the 7 days they are restricting their movements and an extra 3 days.


Follow this advice if your child has recovered from COVID-19 after getting a positive test anytime since 1 December 2021.


Your child does not need to be tested if they do not have symptoms.

Restricted movements

Your child does not need to restrict their movements (stay at home) if they do not have symptoms. They can attend school and other activities as normal.

If they develop symptoms, they need to:

This poster shows symptoms of Covid 19.

If your child has symptoms they should not attend school.