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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
World Mental Health Day is October 10th. children are invited to wear something yellow to school on Thursday | FAI Futsal with Raff takes place on Tuesday for 5th and 6th | Cycling Safety Programme for 5th Class starts on Tuesday 8th October | TESCO Fruit and Vegetable bags went home with 2nd class today.
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Cielevina to fly back to Norway

18th Jun 2021

Cielevina, a handmade blackbird from our Erasmus partner school in Riga, Latvia, has to travel on to visit childrenin our Norwegian partner school in Kristiansand. She got her passport stamped at the end of her stay in Ireland and has tested negative for Covid-19 and has now been cleared for onwards travel.

This is where she will visit next: Barnehage Pre-school

This is the pre-school in Riga where she comes from: Zeltriti Pre-school

Here is the website for our Erasmus+ project Full Steam Ahead Full STEAM Ahead